Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more!
🚀 A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors
Craft.js solves this problem by modularising the building blocks of a page editor. It ships with a drag-n-drop system and handles the way user components should be rendered, updated and moved - among other things. With this, you'll be able to build your own page editor exactly how you want it to look and behave.
Hello welcome to iconsax
the official icons of the
Vuesax framework
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations.
From basic to advanced: test how well you know JavaScript, refresh your knowledge a bit, or prepare for your coding interview! muscle rocket I update this repo regularly with new questions. I added the answers in the collapsed sections below the questions, simply click on them to expand it. It's just for fun, good luck! heart
Snowpack is a lightning-fast frontend build tool, designed for the modern web. It is an alternative to heavier, more complex bundlers like webpack or Parcel in your development workflow. Snowpack leverages JavaScript's native module system (known as ESM) to avoid unnecessary work and stay fast no matter how big your project grows.