Open Source Stubs and API Test Generator for Developer.
Shadow Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
Keploy is developer-centric API testing tool that creates tests along with built-in-mocks, faster than unit tests.
Keploy is your open-source, developer-centric backend testing tool. It makes backend testing easy and productive for engineering teams. Plus, it's easy-to-use, powerful and extensible..🛠️
Keploy creates test cases and data mocks/stubs from user-traffic by recording API calls and DB queries, significantly speeding up releases and enhancing reliability. 📈
🚀 A lightweight HTTP library inspired by JavaScript's fetch, bringing simplicity and flexibility to PHP HTTP requests.
FetchPHP is a modern HTTP client library for PHP, built on top of the Guzzle HTTP client, designed to mimic the behavior of JavaScript’s fetch API. Leveraging Matrix for true asynchronous capabilities with PHP Fibers, FetchPHP allows developers to use a JavaScript-like async/await syntax. FetchPHP also offers a fluent API inspired by Laravel's HTTP client, making request building both flexible and readable.
Evolution API is an open-source WhatsApp integration API
This project is based on the CodeChat. The original project is an implementation of Baileys, serving as a Restful API service that controls WhatsApp functions.
The code allows the creation of multiservice chats, service bots, or any other system that utilizes WhatsApp. The documentation provides instructions on how to set up and use the project, as well as additional information about its features and configuration options.
Document, Test & Discover APIs.
The modern open-source developer experience platform for your APIs.
Create world-class API Docs with a built-in interactive playground
which seamlessly turns to a full featured API Client.
Scalar is an open-source platform with: 🌐 Modern Rest API Client 📖 Beautiful API References ✨ 1st-Class OpenAPI/Swagger Support
Accédez aux données de toutes les administrations, pour construire des services innovants.
The most intuitive desktop API client
Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests in a simple and intuitive app.
Yaak is a desktop API client for organizing and executing REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests. It's built using Tauri, Rust, and ReactJS.
PDF processor api & cli.
pdfcpu is a PDF processing library written in Go that supports encryption and offers both an API and a command-line interface (CLI). It is compatible with all PDF versions with basic support and ongoing improvement for PDF 2.0 (ISO-32000-2).
Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges easily and securely.
Many DNS servers do not provide an API to enable automation for the ACME DNS challenges. Those which do, give the keys way too much power. Leaving the keys laying around your random boxes is too often a requirement to have a meaningful process automation.
Acme-dns provides a simple API exclusively for TXT record updates and should be used with ACME magic "_acme-challenge" - subdomain CNAME records. This way, in the unfortunate exposure of API keys, the effects are limited to the subdomain TXT record in question.
Markopolis is a self-hostable alternative to Obsidian Publish.
a web app and API server designed to serve Markdown files. It allows you to share Markdown notes as websites and interact with and manipulate your Markdown files using an API. Simply install Markopolis, point it to a directory holding all your Markdown files, and the library takes care of everything else.
EmailEngine is an email client but for apps, not people.
Effortless email integration for your app or service. Simplify IMAP and SMTP complexities, and focus on what truly matters. Build better features, faster.
Self-hosted solution for developers and businesses.
next generation web framework for node.js.
Expressive HTTP middleware framework for node.js to make web applications and APIs more enjoyable to write. Koa's middleware stack flows in a stack-like manner, allowing you to perform actions downstream then filter and manipulate the response upstream.
Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. By leveraging async functions, Koa allows you to ditch callbacks and greatly increase error-handling. Koa does not bundle any middleware within its core, and it provides an elegant suite of methods that make writing servers fast and enjoyable.
A model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando
Send emails with Ferdinand. An open-source email delivery service.
Open-source email delivery service for developers.
Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.
A specification for building APIs in JSON.
Documentation for the application/vnd.api+json media type, a specification for APIs that use JSON.
If you’ve ever argued with your team about the way your JSON responses should be formatted, JSON:API can help you stop the bikeshedding and focus on what matters: your application.
By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling and best practices. Clients built around JSON:API are able to take advantage of its features around efficiently caching responses, sometimes eliminating network requests entirely.
A Toolbox of solutions for no-coders. Screenshots, PDF, Metadata, and more for your nocode project.
APIs designed to be simple to use and extremely powerful. Paired with inconditional support to help you all the way.
Build beautiful API integrations and SDKs with Saloon.
Saloon is a PHP library that helps you rapidly build third party API integrations or SDKs. It's configured to be production-ready by default, offers a simple, standardised development flow for your whole team and has utilities to help test your API integrations before you ship to production. Saloon is loved by thousands of developers and downloaded over 2 million times.
The modern API client that lives in your terminal. A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal.
Posting is an HTTP client, not unlike Postman and Insomnia. As a TUI application, it can be used over SSH and enables efficient keyboard-centric workflows. Your requests are stored locally in simple YAML files, meaning they're easy to read and version control.
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API marketplace. Explore a wide range of APIs, from payment gateways to
social media integrations.
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