Elegant and Powerful Static Site Generator.
HydePHP is a content-first Laravel-powered console application that allows you to create static HTML pages, blog posts, and documentation sites, using your choice of Markdown and/or Blade.
Reverb is a first-party WebSocket server for Laravel applications, bringing real-time communication between client and server directly to your fingertips. Open source and an Artisan command away - with love from the Laravel team.
Powerful data objects for Laravel.
This package enables the creation of rich data objects which can be used in various ways. Using this package you only need to describe your data once.
Your mission control center for PHP application performance.
Tideways saves you time by taking the guesswork out of your app’s backend performance. Gain detailed insights, spot performance bottlenecks, and get real-time error detection alerts.
💥 Collision is a beautiful error reporting tool for command-line applications
Collision was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a package designed to give you beautiful error reporting when interacting with your app through the command line.
Laravel, PHP and JS Error Tracking.
Track all your PHP and JavaScript errors in one place.
Laravel blade components for Livewire 3.
Gorgeous Laravel blade components made for Livewire 3 and styled around daisyUI + Tailwind.
Eloquent’s missing “array” driver
Sometimes you just want to use Laravel Eloquent without a database.
PHPFlasher is a powerful and easy-to-use package that allows you to quickly and easily add flash messages to your Laravel or Symfony projects. Whether you need to alert users of a successful form submission, an error, or any other important information, flash messages are a simple and effective solution for providing feedback to your users.
Management tool for the information security management system.
To manage the security of their information system, organizations must set up a set of security measures and regularly check that these measures are effective and effective. These regular checks make it possible to guarantee that the security measures implemented place achieve their security objectives.
Deming is a tool for managing, planning, tracking and reporting the effectiveness of security controls.
This management of controls must allow the implementation of adequate and proportionate security. This approach is in line with the recommendations of ISO / IEC 27001:2013, chapter 9 which deals with performance evaluation.
Baking Delicious Native Apps. NativePHP is a new way to build native applications, using the tools you already know. Create native desktop apps with PHP.
NativePHP is a new framework for rapidly building rich, native desktop applications using PHP.
Get MySQL EXPLAIN plans that are understandable for humans.
MySQL Query optimization with the EXPLAIN command is unnecessarily complicated: The output contains a lot of cryptic information that is incomprehensible or entirely misleading.
This Laravel package collects many query metrics that will be sent to explainmysql.com and transformed to be much easier to understand.
A set of Blade components for TailwindCSS forms.
Form Components for Laravel provides common form components to help build forms faster using Tailwind CSS. Supports validation, old form values, and wire:model.
Test and enforce architectural rules in your Laravel applications. Keep your app's architecture clean and consistent!
Laravel Arkitect lets you test and enforce your architectural rules in your Laravel applications, and it's a PHPArkitect wrapper for Laravel. This package helps you to keep your app's architecture clean and consistent.
The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts