Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects.
Tuleap Open ALM is a Libre and Open Source tool for end to end traceability of application and system developments.
The open-source Trello-like kanban.
Run effective and easy meetings with Solid. Get the meeting agenda, tasks & decisions instantly in your mailbox.
The open-source Trello-like kanban.
Finish is a project management tool minus the clutter. It will help you manage your team and get your tasks done with minimal effort.
Kallithea, a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy, is a GPLv3'd, Free Software source code management system that supports two leading version control systems, Mercurial and Git, and has a web interface that is easy to use for users and admins. You can install Kallithea on your own server and host repositories for the version control system of your choice.
ProWhy est un logiciel libre et gratuit, support des processus de résolution de problèmes en entreprise. Il permet de faciliter la mise en oeuvre de démarches standard utilisées en résolution de problèmes pour l'amélioration continue des produits et des processus.
Open source ticket manager.
Declutter your support inbox. Provide support with a team of different agents and a perfect overview of all your communication.
All using an open souce product!
CodingTeam is a free and easy to use forge designed for you. Your projects need simplicity and intuitivity! Our goal is to provide something that is free (as in freedom), modular, scalable and fully customizable.
Check-build - Verifies that your NodeJS project follow team conventions, is well written and secure.
Free. Open Source. Powerful. Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable.
A simple tool to keep track of your projects progresses.
Kanboard is a simple visual task board software
Inspired by the Kanban methodology
Get a visual and clear overview of your project
Multiple boards with the ability to drag and drop tasks
Minimalist software, focus only on essential features (Less is more)
Access from anywhere with a modern browser
Free, open source and self-hosted
Super simple installation
Excellent logiciel de gestion de projet.
BamBam! allows people of different roles
and work styles to collaborate better.
Collabtive, la gestion de projet intuitive
A free project management app for freelancers