Overview of Tailwind colors
All the Tailwind CSS colors in a handy cheatsheet with hex, hsl and rgb values.
You can bookmark this page so you'll never forget any Tailwind color again!
Open-source UI components for React.
Build faster with Wedges. An open-source collection of UI components for React.
Beautiful UI components for React, lovingly crafted with the Wedges Design System, Radix UI, and Tailwind CSS.
Build unique web UIs. Easy to customize UI ressources built on top of modern frontend tools to make your ideas stand out.
Tailwindcss highly customizable components for building modern websites and applications, with your personnal spark.
Write React components using CSS only. A new, better and faster way to write visual components. CSS-in-JS? Nope! JS-from-CSS.
Supports Next.js, Remix and TailwindCSS.
Tailwind Utility Generator. No-build Tailwind. Get the CSS utilities you want. Nothing you don't.
Curlwind allows you to generate Tailwind stylesheets on demand to get only the CSS utilities you need. Generated stylesheets are cached indefinitely so your site stays fast.
Starter theme WordPress with Tailwind CSS and Vite JS.
Tailwind CSS Components. The most popular component library component library for Tailwind CSS.
daisyUI adds component class names to Tailwind CSS so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever.
Laravel blade components for Livewire 3.
Gorgeous Laravel blade components made for Livewire 3 and styled around daisyUI + Tailwind.
Unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
Get started with a collection of 437 free and open-source SVG icons compatible with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS based on solid and outline styles with React (JSX) and Figma support.
A set of Blade components for TailwindCSS forms.
Form Components for Laravel provides common form components to help build forms faster using Tailwind CSS. Supports validation, old form values, and wire:model.
Tailwind Admin Dashboard Template.
TailAdmin is a free and open-source admin dashboard template built on React and Tailwind CSS, providing developers with everything they need to create a comprehensive, data-driven back-end, dashboard, or admin panel solution for upcoming web projects.
Trendiest Open Source & Free Admin Dashboard Template for React, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript and NextJS
A set of 161 elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
Skillfully designed with an eye for aesthetics, offering an excellent starting point for your upcoming project.
A versatile set of beautifully styled components for you to use in your next Phoenix project.
Petal is a set of HEEX components that makes it easy for Phoenix developers to build beautiful web apps. Think Bootstrap or MUI, but written in HEEX using Tailwind CSS classes.