Take your WordPress site to the world. Shannon Smith, founder of Café Noir Design, explains what components are needed for a successful multilingual WordPress site
Today we continue HTML5 canvas examples, I hope you enjoy this series of articles. Even for me, working with graphics, images brings pleasure. Sure that and for you too. Today we will be adding two new filters – Noise and Invert.
Vu le nombre d'articles sur l'utilisation du serveur de cache Varnish pour une utilisation avec le CMS WordPress, force est de constater qu'il est difficile de faire le tri pour en sortir LA configuration. Dans ce billet, je vais donc vous présenter ma configuration qui tourne depuis quelques jours sur le serveur hébergeant le Blog de Nicolargo.
Dans un précédent article, j’avais parlé de corkscrew. Le but était de pouvoir se connecter en SSH sur son serveur en étant derrière un proxy, en utilisant le port 443 (réservé au HTTPS).
Another new property introduced by the CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders module is background-size. The property adds new functionality to CSS allowing designers to specify the size of background images using either lengths, percentages, or by using one of two keywords; contain or cover.
If you’ve seen the code for CSS3 border images then you’re probably familiar with the space and round values for the border-image-repeat property.
I am currently working on a new blog (more on that later!) which will feature lots of affiliate links for Amazon so I have been searching for a plugin that will make the process of adding products links easier and allow me to collect affiliate commissions for referring customers to Amazon. For some reason, Amazon requires you to signup separately for their affiliate program in the US, Canda, UK, France, Germany & Japan so I needed a plugin that could also handle this internationalization of links. After much searching and testing, the plugin I have decided to use is called EasyAzon. It is a commercial plugin but it’s only $47 for unlimited sites so should easily pay for itself with a few commissions.
Dans cette seconde partie d'année 2011, les projets abondent, l'équipe s'agrandit. Pour ne rien laisser au hasard, j'ai mis en place 2 outils simples, rapides, pour manager les projets de façon moderne et efficace :)
A survey of Alexa's top 10,000 websites on the Internet was conducted to measure the usage of security-related HTTP headers, mobile awareness and potential information leakage. We did this by grabbing the banners of those websites with 18 different user agents (see Appendix) using a modified UATester script, and analyzing the resulting HTTP headers.
Where I explain how to reproduce over 110 commands from Textmate in VIM.
Quasiment tous les domaines d’utilisation de l’informatique sont aujourd’hui couverts par des logiciels libres/open source. Cet article a pour objectif de vous rappeler ce qu’est un logiciel libre, quels sont ses avantages, et surtout attirer votre attention sur ceux qui peuvent vous rendre service au cours de vos études.
Freebies – one of the most lovable word specially for graphic designers, web designers and developers. Every now and then, they find free resources on the Internet such as free fonts, jQuery plugins, free WordPress or Drupal themes and many more. Due to our blogniche, we can’t come up with freebies everyday but we occasionally share some great resources with our readers that are really useful and free to use. For example, we sharedbest jQuery plugin of March 2011 and free WordPress themes some days before.
Front-end developer Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis, owner of W3Conversions, takes you through a variety of innovative uses for the new CSS3 background-size property. More control than you've ever had before!
Le prompt d'un terminal se définit par la variable PS1. En règle générale, on définit cette variable dans le fichier .bashrc du répertoire personnel (dans mon cas, /home/mzwyssig/.bashrc).
tl;dr: Want to learn vim (the best text editor known to human kind) the fastest way possible. I suggest you a way. Start by learning the minimal to survive, then integrate slowly all tricks.
Dragging and dropping files from your desktop to a browser is one of the ultimate goals for web application integration. This is the first in a four-part series of posts which describes how to:
Just for kicks I wanted to see if I could make a row of images animate across a page and repeat indefinitely. Turns out it's really not that hard. The way I did it was to make one big long graphic where the first part and the last part are visually identical.