Easily guide your favorite RSS feeds to your pocket account.
This is the quite sad source code to the ghost town at https://lobste.rs. It is a Rails codebase and uses a SQL (MariaDB in production) backend for the database.
1flow est un espace gratuit de gestion de news et d'information, à usage individuel ou en équipe. 1flow vous aide à lutter contre l'infobésité en identifiant l'information qui compte vraiment pour vous. Dans 1flow vous pouvez agréger, lire, découvrir, archiver, éditer, partager et discuter de toute l'information en ligne.
NWS iz a php CMS to manage various XML (RSS, aTom, etc) news feeds and present them in a nice, ergonomic fashion. I made it to replace the online news services that I’ve been using, as they became bloated and crippled with spyware. It’s really a barebones system, but I’ve been using it for weeks now, and it basically does what I want.
Grâce à FeedPress vous avez accès à des statistiques avancées pour en savoir plus sur vos lecteurs.
Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.
Leed est un agrégateur de flux RSS/ATOM dit KISS : minimaliste, simple, léger et rapide.
ViewText.org is a service provided to make reading content on the web easier, faster, and safer by extracting the main article content from news items, blog posts, RSS feeds, and PDF's. The text is big, beautiful, and void of distracting items, perfect for reading on mobile devices. Use ViewText on your site by linking articles through the ViewText engine.
Turn your blog's feed into a downloadable ebook.
Leed (contraction de Light Feed) est un agrégatteur RSS libre et minimaliste qui permet la consultation de flux RSS de manière rapide et non intrusive.
Bienvenue sur ce site dédié au projet Ardilla, portail web permettant à la fois l’agrégation de flux de syndication de contenu (RSS), l’hébergement de marques-pages et la gestion de notes (plus d’infos ICI).
An open-source PHP web application that allows you to aggregate your published data from multiple websites and social services into a single HTML page.
Regain control of your feeds and get the full text of every article, blog post and story! Enter the feed URL above and click the "submit" button to receive your new full-text feed URL that you can use anywhere.
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feed your blog to twitter, facebook, linkedin