It's a tool that's used for performing queries on streams of records in various formats.
The goal is to make ad-hoc exploration of data sets easy without having to use more heavy-weight tools like SQL/MapReduce/custom programs. rq fills a similar niche as tools like awk or sed, but works with structured (record) data instead of text.
It was created with love out of the best parts of Rust, C and Javascript, and is distributed as a dependency-free binary on many operating systems and architectures.
Open source analytics toolbox
Analyze your data without writing a line of SQL.
automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
SQLmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.
Analyseur de requête SQL
Allows you to easily execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV.
SchemaSpy is a Java-based tool (requires Java 5 or higher) that analyzes the metadata of a schema in a database and generates a visual representation of it in a browser-displayable format. It lets you click through the hierarchy of database tables via child and parent table relationships as represented by both HTML links and entity-relationship diagrams. It's also designed to help resolve the obtuse errors that a database sometimes gives related to failures due to constraints.
sqlcake is an automatic SQL injection exploitation kit written in Ruby. It's designed for system administration and penetration testing.