This plugin will help you to save the CB payments with the MERCANET system known as SIPS, ATOS ... This is the most used systems for French Banks.
This plugin provides a task to optimize web assets used in your project, typically for better frontend performances.
Adds ability to generate Google sitemap.
Much like the sfConfig::get() method, use csSettings::get() to call dynamic, user-defined settings. An admin generator interface allows easy administration.
sfPhpExcelPlugin read and write excel file.
Image manipulation made even easier! Why worry about the creation of your thumbnails when you can easily configure the image formats your design desires? With sfImageTransformExtraPlugin the days of coding transforms are gone. Instead you define formats as a series of transformations provided by the awesome sfImageTransformPlugin. Instead of changing your business logic when the design requires new formats you only need to change the configuration while the application remains untouched.
symfony thumbnail generation support.
The mpRealityAdminPlugin provides a new admin generator theme with some additions.
This behavior allows tags to be attached to Doctrine objects. It includes tag-cloud generation and helpers to display these clouds. It also offers optional typeahead features for entering tags. Behavior Model
stOfcPlugin class provides abstraction for Open Flash Chart. Creates Flash Chart based on an array of data.
sfDoctrineActAsSignablePlugin provides Signable behavior to your models ("created_by" and "updated_by"columns defining user who created/updated a record)
* Behavior
* Model
You want to add comments on news page, pool or anything ? Just use this plugin ! It provides a comment behavior. Now, everything is commentable !
Documentation sur l'utilisation du plugin symfony sfGuardDoctrine en version 5.x
First, let me give a brief explanation of what column aggregation inheritance is and how it works. With column aggregation inheritance all classes share the same table, and all columns must exist in the parent. Doctrine is able to know which class each row in the database belongs to by automatically setting a "type" column so that Doctrine can cast the correct class when hydrating data from the database. Even if you query the top level column aggregation class, the collection will return instances of the class that each row belongs to.