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Laurux est un progiciel de gestion d'entreprise (PGI) permettant d'effectuer l'essentiel des taches afin de gérer d'une façon optimale votre comptabilité, votre facturation, votre stock et tous les composants nécessaires aux prises de décisions cohérentes.
Ready. Set. Game. Simple and elegant operating system
a non-linear personal web notebook
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
The Kaa IoT Platform greatly simplifies the development
of complex back-end functionality, allowing vendors to
focus on providing maximum value for their customers
Pure css icons, with only one element.
Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN.
Search and stream torrents
Towards anonymous streaming
This is a mini-firewall that completely isolates a target device from the local network. This is for allowing infected machines Internet access, but without endangering the local network.
OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; extending it with web services; and linking it to databases like Freebase.
csstyle is a modern approach for crafting beautifully maintainable stylesheets. The csstyle method is implemented using a set of SASS mixins that make your CSS readable and semantic, generate your selectors for you, and automatically handle things like specificity and nesting.
UpdatEngine est un outil d'inventaire, de déploiement automatisé et de gestion des configurations logicielles.
Logiciel libre de gestion de dossiers d'usager.
Le framework Variation est un outil professionnel et libre d'informatisation des dossiers d'usagers ! Variation est ouvert et utilisable pour les différents types de structures du social et du médico-social. Prises en charge en établissement ou en milieu ordinaire, protection de l'enfance, handicap, réinsertion ou personnes âgées... Un outil libre, simple et efficace qui s'adapte à tous les cas !
Why Friendica? Because somebody has to stand up for the people of the Internet. This is why we exist. Friendica is our alternative to those "creepy" social networks that don't really care about your privacy, and only seem to care how they can profit from taking it away. They seem to be constantly making it harder for your social communications to actually reach your friends and families, and easier for unwanted people to sell you stuff.
Security Monkey monitors policy changes and alerts on insecure configurations in an AWS account. While Security Monkey’s main purpose is security, it also proves a useful tool for tracking down potential problems as it is essentially a change tracking system.
It works on CPython 2.7. It is known to work on Ubuntu Linux and OS X.
Alors que les programmes de surveillance gouvernementaux étendent leur influence, Tox est une application facile à utiliser qui vous permet de contacter vos amis et vos proches sans que quelqu'un d'autre soit à l'écoute