Attributes to define PHP language extensions (to be enforced by static analysis).
This library provides attributes that are used by static analysers to enforce new language features. The intention, at least initially, is that these extra language features are enforced by static analysis tools (such as Psalm, PHPStan and, ideally, PhpStorm) and NOT at runtime.
The DX oriented task runner in PHP. Castor is a DX oriented task runner built in PHP featuring a range of functions for common task processing.
It can be viewed as an alternative to Makefile, Fabric, Invoke, Shell scripts, etc., but it leverages PHP's scripting capabilities and its extensive library ecosystem.
a powerful, highly scalable CMS built on Laravel.
Statamic is a modern, clean, and highly adaptable CMS built on Laravel that can run full-stack, headless, on flat files or databases, or as a static site generator.
Elegant and Powerful Static Site Generator.
HydePHP is a content-first Laravel-powered console application that allows you to create static HTML pages, blog posts, and documentation sites, using your choice of Markdown and/or Blade.
Reverb is a first-party WebSocket server for Laravel applications, bringing real-time communication between client and server directly to your fingertips. Open source and an Artisan command away - with love from the Laravel team.
A set of Symfony Console Commands to interact with your database.
Backup: Backup your database and manage your dumps with a simple command.
Restore: Easily restore a previous dump of your database.
Anonymize: Set up database anonymization with PHP attributes on Doctrine Entities or with a YAML configuration file.
Set up a GDPR-friendly workflow: Make it easier to follow GDPR best practices when importing production dump to other environments.
Understand and fix bugs faster
Ray is a desktop application that serves as the dedicated home for debugging output. Send, format and filter debug information from both local projects and remote servers.
PHP Benchmarking framework.
PHPBench is a benchmark runner for PHP analogous to PHPUnit but for performance rather than correctness.
Universal Web App Server.
NGINX Unit is a lightweight and versatile application runtime that provides the essential components for your web application as a single open-source server: running application code (including WebAssembly), serving static assets, handling TLS and request routing.
the missing audit log library. auditor's purpose is to provide an easy and standardized way to collect and persists audit logs.
Read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way.
OpenSpout is a community driven fork of box/spout, a PHP library to read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way. Unlike other file readers or writers, it is capable of processing very large files, while keeping the memory usage really low (less than 3MB).
Valinor takes care of the construction and validation of raw inputs (JSON, plain arrays, etc.) into objects, ensuring a perfectly valid state. It allows the objects to be used without having to worry about their integrity during the whole application lifecycle.
The validation system will detect any incorrect value and help the developers by providing precise and human-readable error messages. The mapper can handle native PHP types as well as other advanced types supported by PHPStan and Psalm like shaped arrays, generics, integer ranges and more.