Mod_Gearman is an easy way of distributing active Nagios/Icinga checks across your network and increasing Nagios scalability. Mod-Gearman can even help to reduce the load on a single Nagios host, because its much smaller and more efficient in executing checks.
A one-file-script for debug and monitor your web
Nagios or Icinga Web interface based on NDO. It allows you to view almost everything about Nagios or Icinga in a single page: alert, ack, downtime, comment. You can also interact with Nagios or Icinga through ack, downtime, comment, disable, and reset buttons. You can filter on hosts and services states (critical, warning, unknown, ok, outage...). The status popin allows to display graphs, either the ones from Nagios (trends.cgi) or custom ones based on RRD (pnp4nagios, ...).
Thruk is an independent multibackend monitoring webinterface which currently supports Nagios, Icinga and Shinken as backend using the MKLivestatus addon. It is designed to be a "dropin" replacement. The target is to cover 100% of the original features plus additional enhancements for large installations.
Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization. It uses carefully engineered data structures and algorithms to achieve very low per-node overheads and high concurrency. The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on thousands of clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes.
Welcome to OMD - the Open Monitoring Distribution. OMD implements a completely new concept of how to install, maintain and update a monitoring system built on Nagios.
Auditd est un outil qui permet de monitorer les accès aux données et de pouvoir offrir un support stable pour l'exploitation des logs. Auditd fait partie d'un ensemble de composants qui ont pour fonctionnalités de gérer les règles de surveillance et d'afficher les rapports. Auditd est le daemon qui tourne en fond, en userspace, et qui est au coeur de la récupération des informations.
Surveiller ses fichiers de log est une activité nécessaire[1] mais bien souvent rébarbative.