Hitchhiker est un prototype de générateur de planets statiques.
Un planet est un site Web qui agrège les publications de plusieurs sites, généralement sur un sujet précis.
Pour cela, il utilise les flux Web (RSS, Atom) mis à disposition par les sites concernés.
Hitchhiker se veut le plus minimal possible (30 lignes de code) afin de servir comme démonstration.
Community Maintained Packages for Atom
A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor, built on Electron, and based on everything we love about our favorite editors. We designed it to be deeply customizable, but still approachable using the default configuration.
Successor to GitHub Atom editor.
An offline first command-line browser for the smolnet.
A command-line and offline-first smolnet browser/feed reader for Gemini, Gopher, Spartan and Web.
a free, self-hostable feeds aggregator.
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.