AdminDroid Microsoft 365 auditing tool come up with immense reports on all the Microsoft 365 audit activities in the audit log search. Providing in-depth details on user sign-in activities is a head start for admins to analyze the users' sign-in data. With this Azure AD auditing tool, admins can monitor user logins, user activities, group activities, application activities, etc. Jazz up your Microsoft 365 Azure auditing without playing hard with PowerShell cmdlet like 'Search-UnifiedAuditLog'.
An attack tool for simple, fast & effective security testing of M365 & Azure AD.
MAAD-AF is designed to make cloud security testing simple, fast and effective. Through its virtually no-setup requirement and easy to use interactive attack modules, security teams can test their security controls, detection and response capabilities easily and swiftly.
Untitled Goose Tool is a robust and flexible hunt and incident response tool that adds novel authentication and data gathering methods in order to run a full investigation against a customer’s Azure Active Directory (AzureAD), Azure, and M365 environments. Untitled Goose Tool gathers additional telemetry from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) and Defender for Internet of Things (IoT) (D4IoT).