Our DisplayLink technology makes it simple to connect any display to any computer that supports USB or Wi-Fi via an USB or Network connector.
Lacros is an architecture project to decouple the Chrome browser from the Chrome OS window manager and system UI. The name comes from Linux And ChRome OS.
Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment.
crouton is a set of scripts that bundle up into an easy-to-use, Chromium OS-centric chroot generator. Currently Ubuntu and Debian are supported (using debootstrap behind the scenes), but "Chromium OS Debian, Ubuntu, and Probably Other Distros Eventually Chroot Environment" doesn't acronymize as well (crodupodece is admittedly pretty fun to say, though).
A fast and lightweight Linux distro for ChromeOS devices.
NayuOS is an ongoing project at Nexedi: since we mainly use Chromebooks as part of our development tools, we want to have more customizable, secure and privacy-compliant devices. We also love Free Software so we do want a Free alternative for Chrome OS that fits our needs.