LOLESXi features a comprehensive list of binaries/scripts natively available in VMware ESXi that adversaries have utilised in their operations. The information on this site is compiled from open-source threat research.
VirtualGHOST Detection Tool
This repository contains a PowerShell script leveraging VMWare PowerCLI to identify unregistered VMWare Virtual Machines (VMs) that are powered on by comparing the list of VMs registered in the inventory (vCenter or ESXi) vs. those that are powered on.
Let's Encrypt for VMware ESXi with easy installation using pre-built VIB or offline bundle. Auto-renewal of certificates.
w2c-letsencrypt-esxi is a lightweight open-source solution to automatically obtain and renew Let's Encrypt certificates on standalone VMware ESXi servers. Packaged as a VIB archive or Offline Bundle, install/upgrade/removal is possible directly via the web UI or, alternatively, with just a few SSH commands.