Framework reimagined for the edge!.
Deliver instant apps at scale.
Build instantly-interactive web apps without effort.
Qwik is a new kind of web framework that can deliver instant loading web applications at any size or complexity. Your sites and apps can boot with about 1kb of JS (regardless of application complexity), and achieve consistent performance at scale.
Private alternative front-end for Genius.
With the massive daily increase of useless scripts on Genius's web frontend, and having to download megabytes of clutter, dumb tries to make reading lyrics from Genius a pleasant experience, and as lightweight as possible.
Statistically rigorous benchmark runner for the web.
tachometer is a tool for running benchmarks in web browsers. It uses repeated sampling and statistics to reliably identify even tiny differences in runtime.
Framework independent visual testing library.
Mugshot is a node library for doing visual regression testing. The way screenshots are taken, processed, compared and stored is entirely customizable. You can use it to write visual regression tests for websites, mobile apps, native apps etc. Moreover, Mugshot doesn't impose any preferences on how you write or execute the tests, it just gives you an assertion that you can call however and whenever you want.
JavaScript Web Testing and Component Testing Framework. Test. Automate. Accelerate.
With Cypress, you can easily create tests for your modern web applications, debug them visually, and automatically run them in your continuous integration builds.
A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
This repository contains a number of front-end interview questions that can be used when vetting potential candidates. It is by no means recommended to use every single question here on the same candidate (that would take hours). Choosing a few items from this list should help you vet the intended skills you require.
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
Build an optimized, secure, and frontend-independent application for multi-platform deployment.
Yew is a modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps using WebAssembly.
Front-end starter kit combined with the power of SCSS & Compass.
Pondasee is a little front-end web developer framework to help designer or developer.