Open source analytics infrastructure. Fast and scalable. No bloat. GDPR compliant.
A single production-ready Docker image built on ClickHouse, Kafka, and Node.js for tracking events, users, page views, and interactions.
API-first Identity Management, Authentication and Authorization. For Secure, Global, GDPR-compliant Apps. The New Identity Stack you have been waiting for.
Traditional IAM solutions do not scale, they are not easy to customize, they are limited in their deployment models, and they don't meet your or your customers' needs
A set of Symfony Console Commands to interact with your database.
Backup: Backup your database and manage your dumps with a simple command.
Restore: Easily restore a previous dump of your database.
Anonymize: Set up database anonymization with PHP attributes on Doctrine Entities or with a YAML configuration file.
Set up a GDPR-friendly workflow: Make it easier to follow GDPR best practices when importing production dump to other environments.
GDPR Compliant cookie manager
La CNIL publie un guide RGPD pour les développeuses et développeurs
Afin de vous accompagner dans la mise en conformité de vos développements projet web ou applicatif, la CNIL a élaboré un guide de bonnes pratiques des développements en open source.
Le logiciel open source PIA facilite la conduite et la formalisation d’analyses d’impact relatives à la protection des données (AIPD) telles que prévues par le RGPD.
postgresql_anonymizer is an extension to mask or replace personally identifiable information (PII) or commercially sensitive data from a PostgreSQL database.
The project is aiming toward a declarative approach of anonymization. This means we’re trying to extend PostgreSQL Data Definition Language (DDL) in order to specify the anonymization strategy inside the table definition itself.
Récupérer les vidéos de caméras de surveillance qui vous sont de droit.
"Toute personne intéressée peut s'adresser au responsable d'un système de vidéoprotection afin d'obtenir un accès aux enregistrements qui la concernent […]. Cet accès est de droit."
Pour remercier les autorités de vous filmer, vous avez le droit de demander une copie de la vidéo où vous apparaissez. Ce site facilite l'exercice du droit d'accès !
The GDPR.txt file is a proposed standard which informs hosting providers about the personal data collected by softwares. It aims to simplify the compliance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of hosting providers. Note that a GDPR.txt file is not enough to make your project GDPR compliant (but it will help).
Tracker-less web analytics
Simple Web Analytics. Web Analytics made simple and therefore privacy-friendly.
Simple, privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative. Easy to use and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative.
Plausible is intuitive, lightweight and open source web analytics. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. Made and hosted in the EU, powered by European-owned cloud infrastructure 🇪🇺
Guide RGPD de l'équipe de développement