High quality Raspberry Pi Audio | Audiophile 24/96, 24/192 sound cards (Audio DAC and SPDIF out) for the Raspberry Pi, audio out, audio cards, audio projects
Fingerbank is not an organ bank for nice fingers. Fingerbank is the official website for device fingerprints.
Fingerbank accurately determines what kind of device is connected on a network based on its MAC [External] address, its DHCP [External] fingerprint and its User-Agent [External].
Own-Mailbox is a personal email server you can run in your own home, with strong privacy protection measures integrated at its core. It provides self-hosted email addresses, or connects with your existing email address. In both cases, you can seamlessly send and receive encrypted emails from anywhere in the world, through the Own-Mailbox webmail interface, through a smartphone app, or using external email software (such as Thunderbird or Outlook).
Si vous avez un doute sur un composant de votre ordinateur, si vous ne voulez pas ouvrir votre PC pour ne pas perdre la garantie ou de peur de griller un composant... sachez qu'il est possible grâce à certains logiciels de vérifier en partie certains composants, "sans risque".
You’ve got a problem with your computer, you call their technical support team and the person on the other side requires the machine’s serial number (also known as the Service Tag) before he can even log your request.