This product is a lightweight PHP framework which can be used to create your own PHP apps using MVC design pattern. Asatru PHP is a lightweight web application framework for PHP applications.
It provides you with the most important features to start your application. Be it eloquent ORM queries, view templating engine, validators and other security measurements or .env configuration - Asatru PHP grants you these features as well as focusing on the MVC design pattern.
MII is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
MII is a robust and versatile web application framework designed to streamline the development process and enhance productivity. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features that cater to modern web development needs, integrating seamlessly with Adobe technologies to offer a cohesive development experience.
Mithril is a client-side MVC framework - a tool to organize code in a way that is easy to think about and to maintain.
Serenade.js is a client side framework built on the MVC pattern. It makes it simple to create rich client side applications by freeing you from having to keep the DOM up to date with your data through powerful data bindings.
Sails.js makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. It is designed to resemble the MVC architecture from frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the more modern, data-oriented style of web app development. It's especially good for building realtime features like chat.
A next generation web framework for the Perl programming language. Back in the early days of the web, many people learned Perl because of a wonderful Perl library called CGI. It was simple enough to get started without knowing much about the language and powerful enough to keep you going, learning by doing was much fun. While most of the techniques used are outdated now, the idea behind it is not. Mojolicious is a new attempt at implementing this idea using state of the art technology.
Ever thought about doing a Facebook+Twitter+Google mashup? How about integrating that with PayPal? Is setting up shipping options in your cart a pain? Adding different libraries form different sources add more complexity to your project and ends up to be hard to maintain. Eden simply a set of reusable components, that works with any PHP framework and CMS. Eden makes code logical and readable with dead simple syntax. Eden works with major players including:
The Pylons Project was founded by the people behind the Pylons web framework to develop web application framework technology in Python. Rather than focusing on a single web framework, the Pylons Project will develop a collection of related technologies. The first package is the
web framework.