Ryman Eco is an environmentally sustainable typeface, using an average of 33% less ink than standard fonts. Get a free font download of Ryman Eco that can be installed in just three easy clicks.
An open source business card designer and sharing platform.
Design a unlimited number of business or information cards about yourself, share a link or QR code to them, print it out, and save other people's cards to your virtual wallet for later. Once you've created a card you can get analytics data on how your cards are getting visited, you can edit your cards as things change, and you can keep cards private so only people with a link to your card can see it.
In a nutshell, Aktivisda is a static and free website to simplify the creation of visuals (posters, social networks) by all the activists of an organisation in the colours of that organisation.
PrintCSS CSS Paged Media tutorial and information.
This tutorial shows how to generate PDF documents from XML/HTML using the "CSS Paged Media" approach, whereby the complete styling and layout information is kept in cascading stylesheets (CSS). It will also show the results produced by different tools with identical data, providing an impression of functionality and output quality.