A REPL for Symfony and PHP.
pSym works both inside and outside Symfony project. When used within a Symfony project, it provides additional features such as access to variables like $kernel, $container, $doctrine, and $em. Additionally, all registered project commands become accessible as well.
This is project was created when I needed something like REPL for http request in terminal, there are many great tools exist: Postman, Insomnia, httpie, curl etc but i wanted something little bit different, something lightweight, simple and fast, something like REPL when I can quickly modify request, send it and see the response with all the details. I wanted such utility with minimal magic, ideally without any black magic under the hood.
A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP.
Boris est un REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) PHP proposant une console interactive pour de l'eval et debug PHP.