The Key Promoter X is a plugin for IntelliJ-based products like IDEA, Android Studio, or CLion, and it helps to learn essential keyboard shortcuts from mouse actions while you are working. When you use the mouse on a button inside the IDE, the Key Promoter X shows you the keyboard shortcut that you should have used instead. This provides an easy way to learn how to replace tedious mouse work with keyboard keys and helps to transition to a faster, mouse free development. Currently, it supports toolbar buttons, menu buttons, tool windows and the actions therein.
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Check Shortcuts of 101 Apps.
Designing keyboard shortcuts for your app can be a daunting task. High consistency with other tools is key to ensuring a minimal learning curve for your users. Shortcuts should also be conflict free with the system shortcuts to spare your users of rage when they accidentally try to print your app. Keycheck enables you to find the right shortcuts for your app in seconds.