Authentication server providing two-factor and SSO.
Protect your applications with Single Sign-On and 2 Factor.
Authelia is an open-source full-featured authentication server available on Github .
An open source project originally designed to provide the University of Michigan with a secure single sign-on web authentication system. cosign is part of the National Science Foundation Middleware Initiative (NMI) EDIT software release.
mod_auth_pubtkt is an Apache module that authenticates a user based on a cookie with a ticket that has been issued by a central login server and digitally signed using either RSA or DSA. This means that only the trusted login server has the private key required to generate tickets, while web servers only need the corresponding public key to verify them.
Whenever mod_auth_pubtkt encounters a request without a valid ticket/cookie, it redirects the user to a pre-configured login URL, passing the originally requested URL as a GET parameter. The login server can then prompt the user for credentials, verify them using any authentication backend it chooses, and upon success, generate a login ticket (signed with its private key), return it in a cookie to the client, and finally redirect the user back to the originally requested URL.
mod_auth_tkt is a lightweight single-sign-on authentication module for apache, supporting versions 1.3.x, 2.0.x, and 2.2.x. It uses secure cookie-based tickets to implement a single-signon framework that works across multiple apache instances and servers.
Authentic 2, a versatile identity management server
Pubcookie consists of a standalone login server and modules for common web server platforms like Apache and Microsoft IIS. Together, these components can turn existing authentication services (like Kerberos, LDAP, or NIS) into a solution for single sign-on authentication to websites throughout an institution.
Vulture est une solution Web-SSO basée sur une technologie de proxy inverse implémentée sur le socle Apache. Vulture implémente également des fonctionnalités de firewall applicatif.