Ubuntu Unity is a flavor of Ubuntu featuring the Unity7 desktop environment (the default desktop environment used by Ubuntu from 2010-2017).
It is actively developed and maintained, with releases of Unity7 every year. Learn more about Unity7 at unityd.org.
An Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH.
Turn a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully-configured, beautiful, and modern web development system by running a single command. That's the one-line pitch for Omakub. No need to write bespoke configs for every essential tool just to get started or to be up on all the latest command-line tools. Omakub is an opinionated take on what Linux can be at its best.
The AUR for Ubuntu.
An AUR-inspired package manager for Ubuntu. Pacstall is the AUR Ubuntu wishes it had. It takes the concept of the AUR and puts a spin on it, making it easier to install programs without scouring GitHub repos and the likes.
An all-in-one seedbox solution for Ubuntu and Debian.
Swizzin is a light, modular seedbox solution that can be installed on Debian 10/11/12 or Ubuntu 20.04/22.04/24.04.
Linux for ARM development boards. Perfect for server and IOT.
Ultralight Linux optimized for custom ARM / RISC-V or Intel / AMD hardware
Comes with powerful ZSH or standard BASH shell.
Beautiful. Efficient. Elegant.
The only operating system you'll ever need. A seamless blend of all Linux distributions, Android apps and web apps.
Your Beautiful Ubuntu Linux Distribution.
UbuntuDDE is a Remix flavor of Ubuntu system with Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) . UbuntuDDE is a linux distribution based on Ubuntu with the most beautiful desktop environment. UbuntuDDE Remix is developed and maintained by the UbuntuDDE Community.
The Official Web Site for Cubic (Custom Ubuntu ISO Creator).
Cubic permits effortless navigation through the ISO customization steps and features an integrated virtual command line environment to customize the Linux file system. You can create new customization projects or modify existing projects. Important parameters are dynamically populated with intelligent defaults to simplify the customization process.
Rolling Rhino Remix is an unofficial Ubuntu flavour which converts the Ubuntu operating system into a rolling release Linux distribution by tracking the devel series.
A simple and modern eBook viewer for Linux desktops.
Foliate @ GitHub.
The network configuration abstraction renderer
Netplan is a utility for easily configuring networking on a linux system. You simply create a YAML description of the required network interfaces and what each should be configured to do. From this description Netplan will generate all the necessary configuration for your chosen renderer tool.
Free and Open Source password manager for Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux and Windows. Compatible with KeePass.
the OpenSource Linux software distribution, deployment and management system / m23 das OpenSource Linux Softwareverteilung- und Managementsystem - home/ - default
m23 est un système de distribution logicielle libre sous licence GPL, qui permet d'installer et d'administrer des postes clients sous
Mise à jours pour Ubuntu via PPAs
Le prompt d'un terminal se définit par la variable PS1. En règle générale, on définit cette variable dans le fichier .bashrc du répertoire personnel (dans mon cas, /home/mzwyssig/.bashrc).
Guides d'installation pour Debian et Ubuntu GNU / Linux