A Coherent Software Configuration Management System
A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful.
Jujutsu is a powerful version control system for software projects. You use it to get a copy of your code, track changes to the code, and finally publish those changes for others to see and use. It is designed from the ground up to be easy to use—whether you're new or experienced, working on brand new projects alone, or large scale software projects with large histories and teams.
🦉 ML Experiments and Data Management with Git
Data Version Control or DVC is a command line tool and VS Code Extension to help you develop reproducible machine learning projects:
Fast git handover with mob, Tool for smooth git handover.
Git Branching, Refined. The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte.
GitButler is a git client that lets you work on multiple branches at the same time. It allows you to quickly organize file changes into separate branches while still having them applied to your working directory. You can then push branches individually to your remote, or directly create pull requests.
The Markdown CMS. A CMS With Version Control Built-in.
Tina is a headless content management system with support for visual editing and Git.