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August 22, 2024

Data For Good

Les technologies numériques sont incroyablement puissantes et redéfinissent le fonctionnement de notre société. Pour les acteurs qui œuvrent pour l'intérêt général, la technologie peut parfois être un levier démutiplicateur d'impacts positifs, cependant et malheureusement ces acteurs n'ont souvent pas les ressources technologiques ou humaines pour accélérer leur action citoyenne. Data for Good existe pour rétablir l'équilibre.


Multistream to Twitch, Facebook and 40+ platforms. End-to-end Live streaming platform.
Live stream to Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, your Website, Web TV and phone devices at the same time.

Amazon Athena

Interactive SQL. Analyze petabyte-scale data where it lives with ease and flexibility.

Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, supporting open-table and file formats. Athena provides a simplified, flexible way to analyze petabytes of data where it lives. Analyze data or build applications from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) data lake and 30 data sources, including on-premises data sources or other cloud systems using SQL or Python. Athena is built on open-source Trino and Presto engines and Apache Spark frameworks, with no provisioning or configuration effort required.


Top Social Media Management & Influencer Platform. Social media management made easy

Crush your social goals faster with Later Social™. Automate daily social tasks and turn followers into customers with Link in Bio — all in one app.


Create and Multistream Live Video. One live stream. 30+ destinations.

Multistream & reach your audience, wherever they are.

♾ Infisical

Open Source Secret Management. All-in-one platform to securely manage application configuration and secrets across your team and infrastructure.

♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI.