This is ThinkWiki, the Wikipedia for IBM and Lenovo ThinkPad users. In here, you can find anything you need to install your favourite Linux distribution on your ThinkPad. Windows users shouldn't run away, there's a lot of useful information for them as well. Some Linux information for Mac users also can be found here.
Various specifications specify files and file formats. This specification defines where these files should be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative to which files should be located.
A web browser security testing, privacy testing, and troubleshooting tool.
PDF processor api & cli.
pdfcpu is a PDF processing library written in Go that supports encryption and offers both an API and a command-line interface (CLI). It is compatible with all PDF versions with basic support and ongoing improvement for PDF 2.0 (ISO-32000-2).
Upon first encountering SQL after two decades of Fortran, C, Java, and Python, I thought I had stumbled into hell. I quickly realized that was optimistic: after all, hell has rules.
I have since realized that SQL does too, and that they are no more confusing or contradictory than those of most other programming languages. They only appear so because it draws on a tradition unfamiliar to those of us raised with derivatives of C. To quote Terry Pratchett, it is not mad, just differently sane.
Welcome, then, to a world in which the strange will become familiar, and the familiar, strange. Welcome, thrice welcome, to SQL.