This is a collection of high-quality learning resources organized by topics & formats and enriched by metadata like difficulty level, assumed prerequisites, reviews by experts and quality tags like visual, interactive, challenging etc. For many books or research papers, there are direct links thanks to projects like InternetArchive, LibGen, Arxiv, SciHub, IPFS etc.
"How URLs work?" is an educational website that explains the counterparts of a URL by visually inspecting them.
Learning is an initiative of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) and supports you in preparing for our Linux and open source certifications. With the Learning Materials we continuously publish free material for teachers and learners. The program Linux Professional Institute Publishing Partner (LPP) puts our cooperation with commercial and free publishing platforms on a transparent basis.
This project aims at hosting tutorials, examples, discussions, research proposals, and other resources related to fuzzing.
Fuzz testing is a well-known technique for uncovering programming errors in software. Many of these detectable errors, like buffer overflow, can have serious security implications. Google has found thousands of security vulnerabilities and stability bugs by deploying guided in-process fuzzing of Chrome components, and we now want to share that service with the open source community.
Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more.
The world’s favorite, free math tools used by over 100 million students and teachers.
e-comBox est une plateforme regroupant des applications métiers essentielles pour développer les compétences numériques des élèves et des étudiants.
Manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript.
Knowing the browser DOM APIs and how to use them play an important role in web development. A website introducing the APIs, well-known problems, most popular questions could be very useful.