Vous trouverez sur ce site un certain nombre de ressources pédagogiques (tutoriels, supports de cours, exemples de codes, quiz de validation des connaissances) pour différents langages de programmation. Notre objectif est double : vous aider à monter en compétences sur les différents sujets proposés et devenir une des références francophones dans le domaine.
This repository shares example code and example prompts for accomplishing common tasks with the OpenAI API.
To try these examples yourself, you’ll need an OpenAI account. Create a free account to get started.
Most code examples are written in Python, though the concepts can be applied in any language.
In the same way that a cookbook's recipes don't span all possible meals or techniques, these examples don't span all possible use cases or methods. Use them as starting points upon which to elaborate, discover, and invent.
PyVideo.org is an index of Python related media.
Web Skills is a visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer. It is useful for people who just started learning about web development and for people who have been in the field for years and want to learn new things. As a beginner, I would encourage you not to see this website as the definitive list of what you need to know but as an example of what you can learn and where you can start. The skills are arranged in chronological order based on what learning path I recommend you to take but feel free to jump around freely.
There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and insecure code. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP popular coding standards, links to authoritative tutorials around the Web, and what the contributors consider to be best practices at present.
Curated lists of tools, tips and resources for protecting digital security and privacy
Guide RGPD de l'équipe de développement
Dans ce TP, vous allez créer une Single Page Application (SPA) en Vanilla JS dans le but de découvrir différentes notions telles que les affichages dynamiques, la gestion des modules et du bundling, les appels HTTP et les promesses, le routage et bien sur les tests unitaires qui assureront la qualité et la non régression de vos codes.
Brief visual explanations of machine learning concepts with diagrams, code examples and links to resources for learning more.
Welcome to Green Tea Press, publisher of Think Python, Think Bayes, and other books by Allen Downey.
This is a four day Rust course developed by the Android team. The course covers the full spectrum of Rust, from basic syntax to advanced topics like generics and error handling. It also includes Android-specific content on the last day.
Daily projects you can build to improve your coding skills!
Learn how to use GitHub with interactive courses designed for beginners and experts.